Music is an integral part of Indian culture, including all the activities that take place in Hindu temples.
In the programmes and rituals that take place both in the temples and outdoors, we can witness a combination
of bhajana - popular devotional music - and shlokas, which are verses recited in Sanskrit,
from the Vedic literature. The brahamanas or shastijis - priests who conduct the ceremonies -
recite various mantras and shlokas as well while performing the rituals.
According to ancient Indian culture, sound is called nada brahma and is of fundamental importance, carrying vibrations that propagate in the ether (akasha) and influencing the environment around it.
Sanskrit itself is considered a special language, as its vibration affects us even at a cellular level.
That's why it is extremely auspicious to recite these words, whose vibration spreads through space and fills our hearts with joy and well-being. On this page, you can find the texts and accompany the chants.